Flex Manager
21218 interim professionals
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Product Distribution (Channel Management)

Product Distribution (Channel Management)


In the early seventies he started his studies @ the so called “Technical School for Avionics & Electronics” in The Hague, Holland, whereafter he finished his technical education within the Dutch Air Force as specialized trained officer for Radio/Radar and Guided Slope Missiles and Vehicles .

Due to his experience in International Distribution and Customer Relation Management (CRM) and being responsible for the market build-up and placement for leadership TM, CTI products as well as GSM-Testing Equipment for Europe, as a consequence he will act as your optimal contact interfacing between all technology-driven and commercial related questions.
Eversince the mid nineties he setup his own engineering company mainly responsible as the country representative for SATCOM Equipment & Solutions ,yet through the years outliving the up’s and down’s in SATCOM-Business.


1963 - 1969 M.U.L.O. (comparable with „A“ degree). Major subjects: NL, D, E, F, Mathematics & Physics.
1969 - 1971 Technical High School for Aviation, navigational electronics and related Computers
Electronics/Informatics (Practical year/Stage was preformed in the dutch Airforce)
1971 - 1973 L.E.T.S. Dutch Air force Military Technical School for Radio- & Radar-Systems,
Radio-Approach-Systems, Radar Guided Glide Sloop Systems. (1 year practical part of THSA&E)
1973 - 1974 Study for Digital Techniques (The Hague. The Netherlands)
1976 - 1977 Study for Computer Techniques (The Hague. The Netherlands)
1981 - 1983 K.L.Z. Management Education in Zürich. (HWA)
1985 - 1987 K.L.Z Marketing-Planer in Zürich.
Marketing-Planer-Education for the swiss „Eidg. Fachausweis“ (Masters Degree ).
1987 - 1999 Various Seminars & Courses in Technics and/or Management.


His major project was the project lead for the IT implementation of a worldwide Chemical Multinational company.

His activities relate to commercial functions to discuss and translate the issues of his customers to define new mandates, scopes and corresponding deliverables in the German part of Switzerland, Germany and Austria or International markets (e.g. Benelux, Scandinavia).


NL,D,E,F, "some I"



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